Saturday, 13 February 2016

Easy Steps Nose Nontouring Makeup Tips

Make Your Nose Look Thinner

A slightly different technique is used depending on whether you want your nose to look thinner, shorter, longer or straighter.I prefer a matte highlighter when contouring noses. An off white/nude eyeshadow can work as well. My favorite highlight is a lighter foundation color.Thin your nose by adding a concealer that's two shades lighter than your skin tone to the sides of the nose. I used Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer in Ginger. Make sure you go up the nostrils and just along the bridge of the nose.
nose makeup to looks thinner
Nose Nontouring Makeup

1 Draw two lines down the sides of your nose.

 Do this on top of your foundation. Use an angled eyeshadow brush to draw the contour lines. They should begin at the brow bone and go all the way to the end of your nose. Make sure to keep the lines light at first - it's easier to build product than to take it away.
  •  If you're worried about placement, use two q-tips to figure out where the lines should go. Hold one q-tip in each hand and align them on either side of the cartilage of your nose, parallel to the middle of your nose. This is where the contour lines will go.
  • There are several different products you can use to contour your nose. A brown blush or eyeshadow, a matte bronzer or a sculpting powder will all do nicely. Just make sure that the color is only 1-2 shades darker than your natural skin tone. Cream products can also be used to contour, but powder is easier to work with, especially for beginners.

2 Highlight the bridge of your nose.

 Choose a highlighter 1-2 shades lighter than your natural skin tone and use it to highlight the bridge of your nose. Lightly apply the highlighter in a thin line from the top your nose down to the ball of your nose.
  • Be careful not to make the line of highlighter too wide. Highlighter emphasizes the area it's placed on, so applying too much will make your nose appear wider rather than thinner.
  • If the bottom or tip of your nose is wide, only apply the highlighter halfway down your nose.
  • To highlight your nose, you can use a specific highlighter product, an off-white or nude eyeshadow, or a foundation or concealer a shade or two lighter than the foundation you're wearing.

3 Blend away any harsh lines.

If you notice any harsh lines, blend them away until you're just left with subtle shadows. You don’t want the product to look too obvious.
  • Use a fluffy blender brush or a make-up sponge to blend both the contour and highlighter lines.
  • Be careful not to blend the lines together - you want them to look subtle, yet distinct.

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